Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saltwater Fish Keeping Is Easier Than Ever - Here Are 5 Reasons Why

by Laurren Schmoyer

Over the past several years I have watched numerous retail customers come to my store to switch their freshwater aquariums to saltwater. The major reason for the switch is color. When a person contrasts the exotic and vivid colors of most saltwater fish with basic freshwater fish, there is simply no comparison. Color alone drives a huge passion for saltwater fish keeping. Here are five reasons for the trend: 
1. Saltwater fish come in a vivid array of colors from the brightest purple, to fluorescent blues, reds, greens, oranges and every other color in a rainbow. 
2. Several companies now breed clownfish, gobies, cardinals and other saltwater fish in hatcheries, rather than exclusively catching them from the wild. Raising these in captivity reduces their stress and ensures a healthier, hardier fish. 
3. There have been incredible advances in fish quality as well as equipment, some of which is designed exclusively for saltwater aquarium keeping. 
4. We finally have the technology for the layperson to keep saltwater fish alive in aquariums for 5, even 10 years. 
5. Requirements such as foods, size, and compatibility for most species are well known. Most saltwater fish are easily separated into categories for the beginner, intermediate or advanced hobbyists. 
Though saltwater fish keeping has come a long way in recent years, here are a few keys to help ensure your success: 
* Find a store that sells healthy varieties and knows what they are talking about. 
* Get expert advice to setup your aquarium. 
* Generally it is a good rule for the inexperienced keeper to purchase the largest tank their budget can afford. The larger the aquarium the more room you have for error. If you over feed your fish in a larger aquarium it will take a much longer time to have water quality problems. 
* Finally invest the money and get the right saltwater equipment for your aquarium. The right filter can ensure optimum water quality. 
Saltwater fish keeping is a rewarding hobby - especially when these beautiful fish can live for 5 to 10 years in your aquarium. Remember to begin your adventure by investing in the right size aquarium; the right equipment and great fish to ensure your success. 
© 2008 Laurren Schmoyer Dedicated to your aquatic success, Laurren Schmoyer 
Laurren Schmoyer is the founder and CEO of Aquamain's Fish World and Aquatic Experts. Aquamain's is one of the largest aquarium stores on the east coast. Laurren has written several guides to help new hobbyists get started in the right direction. 

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